Black Executive Curve Portfolios
#PFUSF70 Screen Print

  • 9.75 x 12.5 in. Executive Portfolios
  • Outside File Pocket
  • Inside File Pocket
  • Card Pocket
  • 20 Page ruled Notepad
50 $12.40 each
100 $12.12 each
250 $11.49 each
500 $11.45 each
1000 $10.77 each
$45.00 each
Black Executive Curve Portfolios. Made of PVC Leather and measures 9.75 x 12.5 inches. Available in Black body color. This Portfolio has an Outside & Inside File Pocket Imprint area of 4.00" W x 5.00" H for one color and full-color print.

Superstar Awards & Promotions 

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Surrey, BC V3X1P4