7-in-1 Stainless Steel Key Shaped Pocket Tools
#UG961671 Standard Lead Time

200 $2.00 each
500 $1.56 each
1000 $1.47 each
2500 $1.28 each
5000 $1.21 each
15000 $0.95 each
This cute 7-in-1 tool card is shaped like a key and has 7 tools features. Includes wrenches, flat screwdriver, ruler, screwdriver, cutter, bottle opener, and more. Made from the premium quality stainless-steel, solid and rust-proof. Perfect for your outdoor camping, hiking, and traveling. The logo can be customized. Quantity over 10000 is the price of sea transportation.

Product Size

Additional Information
7-in-1 multifunctional tool is a pocket-sized wallet tool that measures only 3.03" x 1.01" x 0.08". It is made of Stainless .

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