4 Port USB Charger QC 3.0 Candy Mobile Charging Head
#UG961162 Economic Lead Time

500 $1.93 each
1000 $1.89 each
2000 $1.82 each
5000 $1.70 each
10000 $1.66 each
30000 $1.60 each
Speed up the charging process with this unbeatable USB charging head! This product features 4 USB ports for all of your USB-compatible devices. Made of ABS material, this item combines 4 ports into one convenient product and preserves your battery's lifespan with Multi Protect Technology and heat-resistant materials. Once your device's battery capacity reaches 100%, the charging process will automatically be terminated. Order this powerful promotional product for your school or company!

Product Size

Additional Information
4 port USB charging head made of ABS material.

Superstar Awards & Promotions 

Phone: (604) 598-7870 | Email: superstartrophies@shaw.ca

Surrey, BC V3X1P4